Associate Data

Once a Tag Code has been created within the ixkio platform, it's possible to upload data via a CSV file to set the Core Data and/or the Default URL/Default API Response rather than entering manually.

Preparing the data file

Get the XUID list

Associate Data uploads are managed on a Batch by Batch basis so you can only associate Core Data to an XUID that is within that Batch.

The easiest way to get the list of Tag Codes (XUIDs) from a Batch is to download the encoding data. From a Batch screen, navigate to the Encoding tab of the Batch Function panel. Click on Download Data to get the list of XUID for that Batch.

You don't have to upload all the XUID for a Batch. You can choose which XUID you want to add/change Core Data on and only add those to your upload file.

The file needs to be in CSV format which is a comma delimited file. The file can be named .txt or .csv. You can save and create in a text file if you prefer or work in Excel (or similar) and save as CSV. You can't upload as an Excel file.

The first line of your Associate Data file must contain 'XUID' and then at least one of the following items - UID, CUID, TAGNAME, RESPONSE, STATUS, ASSIGNED, NFTCONTRACT, NFTTOKEN, NFTCHAIN, NFTOWNER, NFTMETA.

For example :


ASSIGNED and NFT fields are only on Flex Alpha plan only

Then each subsequent line should contain the XUID Tag Code and the corresponding Data fields.

If you don't want to set any data for a particular field, then you can leave it blank but you need to include all commas for the fields you have specified. For example :

h7dvbz6k,,,My Tag

For the 'gts5ch6k' example, this would set the UID and CUID but not the Tag Name

For the 'h7dvbz6k' example, this would set only the Tag Name

For the 'mff59hek' example, this would set only the CUID

As another example, if you just want to add a set of unique URLs to a batch of Tag Codes, you can prepare your file as :


Changing/Updating Data

Any data uploaded for an XUID will overwrite any existing data in ixkio. You will not be prompted for the overwrite. If there is existing data that you want to keep, then you need to set the same data again.

A blank/empty field will remove any current ixkio data for that Tag Code's field. To keep any current data, re-upload the data for that XUID

Data formats

Core Data needs to be in a specific format for the association to work correctly.


The UID should only be the UID of the NFC chip. This will be either 7 or 8 bytes in Hex - a total of 14 or 16 characters long. The UID should be in Uppercase and without spaces or other delimiters. For example, 04AABBCC112233 would be allowed. 04:aa:bb:cc:11:22:33 would fail.

Be careful if you prepare your data in excel as the leading '0' can be removed if by chance your UID is all numbers. In this case, you can add a ' before the data in excel to fix the 0 in place. Or, work only in a text file.


The CUID field can be any alphanumeric sequence along with underscores and dashes. It cannot contain spaces or other special characters. Maximum length of the CUID is 32 characters.

CUID are case sensitive.

Tag Name

The Tag Name can be any alphanumeric sequence including spaces, underscore and dashes. Maximum length of the Tag Name is 32 characters.

Duplicate data

The UID and CUID are designed to be identifiers within the ixkio platform for your tags. Therefore, to work correctly, these Core Data fields need to be unique across your entire account (not just your Batch).

You cannot upload a UID or CUID that has been used on another Tag Code anywhere in your account. Ixkio will throw an error message if it detects a duplicate.

As CUID are case sensitive, it is possible to upload a CUID with a different case. For example, ABC123 is different than ABc123 and would be allowed.

URL / API Response

Uploading a URL/API Response - RESPONSE - in the Associate Data file will only change the Default Response on each tag. Important notes :

  • If the Tag Code currently inherits it's Default Response from the Tag Group, then a Tag Level Rule will be created and it will no longer get it's Default Response from the Tag Group.

  • If no data is entered on the URL field on the CSV upload, the Tag Code Tag Level Rule will be removed and the Tag Group Ruleset will take it's place.

  • If there are Rule Groups already in place for a Tag Code, then only the Default Response for that Tag Code will be overwritten with any data in the CSV upload. If the CSV upload has blank data for a Response, then the Tag Code will be updated to revert to the Tag Group Ruleset.

If you're changing the Response for all the XUID in a batch, then it's better to set the Response at the Tag Group Level rather than changing the Response for each individual Tag Code


Adding a Status column will allow you to change the Status of a Tag Code. Suitable values are 'Active' and 'Inactive'. You cannot delete a Tag Code using an Associate Data file upload.

Leaving this blank for a Tag Code line will not make any changes.


Flex Alpha

Adding an ASSIGNED column will allow you to change the Assignment Status of the Tag Code. Suitable values are 'Assigned' and 'Unassigned'. If you Assign a Tag Code that has already been Assigned via an Associate Data file upload, the Assignment Date will not change.

Leaving this blank for a Tag Code line will not make any changes.


Flex Alpha

NFT data related to a Tag Code can also be uploaded. NFTCONTRACT, NFTTOKEN, and NFTCHAIN are required fields. You need to set all of these.

The possible options for NFTCHAIN are :



Etherium Main


Etherium Test


Polygon Main


Polygon Test

Adding an NFTOWNER is optional. See the NFT Integration documents for more information.

NFTMETA is currently in beta. Do not use this unless you are part of the NFT beta testing.

It's possible to add different combinations of the columns (only) as follows :

NFT Columns
Associate Action


All columns must be present.

If data is added to any column, all must have data. If no data, then any ixkio NFT data will be removed.

Will update contract, token and chain. No changes will be made to the owner.


All columns must be present. If data is added to any contract, token or chain column, all three of these have data. If no data added, then any ixkio NFT data will be removed. If data is added to owner column, then ixkio owner data will be updated. If no data is added to owner column, then ixkio owner data will be removed.


If data is added to this column, then ixkio owner data will be updated. If column is present without data, then ixkio owner data will be removed.

Uploading the data file

Navigate to the Batch screen, then the 'Associate' tab of the Batch Function panel. Select the file from your local computer and click associate tags.

Ixkio undertakes a large number of checks on the data so for a large file upload, it can take a number of seconds to complete.

Last updated