Rule Types
Scan Count
A Scan Count is how many times the NFC tag or QR code has been registered on the ixkio Console. The Scan Count rule has a few Criteria options such as:
Count less than
Count more than
Count equal to
Count not equal to
From here you can set your Target. For example, Scan Count more than 10.
Scan Method
Scan Method matches how the scan occurred. In almost all configurations, this would be either NFC or QR code. This option isn't available on the API Response Mode.
For example, this means you can redirect a QR code to one URL and an NFC tag scan to another URL.
If Tag Tamper has been enabled on your tag (only available on a very limited number of specialist tags) then you can change response based on tamper status.
The Tamper rule has just two Criteria options to match the chips encoded tamper response :
Tamper equal to
Tamper not equal to
User Authorisation
When creating a Rule in the Rule Group, you can choose from the following settings:
Not Registered User - Anyone that is not registered
Any Registered User - Anyone that is registered (and logged in)
Administrators Only - Only Account Master and Account Admin Users (Multiuser systems only)
This Rule is not available on API Response Mode. We recommend using SmartAccess instead of User Authorisation for easier management.
You need to login on the same device that you scan from
SmartAccess Group
Allows users that have scanned SmartAccess Cards within this SmartAccess Group.
Mobile OS
Allows the creation of a Rule based on the Mobile operating system - either iOS or Android. This Rule is not available on API Response Mode.
Mobile Browser
Allows the creation of a Rule based on a selection of the current most popular Mobile Browsers - Safari, Chrome, Samsung, Firefox, UC Browser or Opera. This Rule is not available on API Response Mode.
Tag Authentication
For Tag Groups using Authentication NFC tags this is an essential Rule.
You need to create a Response for 'Authentication Pass' and then a Default Response.
Assignment Status
Creates a Rule based on the Assignment Status of that Tag Code. Can be either Assigned or Unassigned. Used for controlling the destination (or API response) of deployed or not-deployed Tag Codes.
Last updated