Enhanced Data is additional data (metadata) or information associated with a Tag Code.
There are four types of Enhanced Data: Core, Extended, System and Action. Depending on the data type, these can be viewed via the Console or Locus or dynamically included in Responses using Dynamic Response.
Core Data
Core Data fields are created with every Tag Code. By default, they are empty fields. Any data you add will be associated only with that Tag Code. The Core Data fields are :
Tag Name
Custom UID (CUID)
Extended Data
Extended Data fields are optional. They are either text or dates that can be associated with a Tag Code.
Extended Data fields can be given data at the Tag Group level to be inherited by all Tag Codes within that Tag Group. Additionally, Extended Data fields can also be given data at the Tag Code level either instead of the Tag Group data or to overrule the Tag Group data.
For customers used to using Rules, the Tag Group / Tag Data inheritance works in the same way.
Up to 5 Extended Data fields can be created.
Extended DataSystem Data
System Data is data that is automatically associated with Tag Codes. This is either in relation to their location within the system, such as the Batch Name where the Tag Code is located, or data associated with changes to the Tag Code such as Scan Count or Created Date.
For example :
Batch Name
Tag Group Name
Chip Count (if enabled)
Scan Count
Date Created
Action Data
Action Data is typically transient data associated with a Tag Code at the point of scan. This data is available to be included using Subtags. This data is also typically stored with Scan data and is available in stats.
OS - android/iOS
Time Zone
Action Data is currently in Beta testing and is not available on all Accounts. Full release is expected in November 2022.
Last updated