

Rules allow you to change the Response depending on criteria that you set.

Rules can be applied for both Redirect and API Response Modes.

For example, for Tag Authentication on Redirect Response Mode, you would create a Rule to provide one Response (a Redirect to a 'Pass' page) for Authentication Pass and then another Response (a Redirect to a 'Fail' page) for Authentication Fail.

Rules can be set at the Tag Group Level or the Tag Code Level.

Tag Group Rules will apply to all Tag Codes under that Tag Group.

You can also set specific Rules for individual Tag Codes at the Tag Code level. These will override the general Tag Group Rules.

If you have a very small number of tags, you might manage the Rules on a tag by tag basis. In the majority of cases, it's likely that you will manage a number of tags together at the Tag Group level.

You don't need to have any Rules. You can just use the Default Response if you want the same Response to every request.

Rule Structure

Rules are managed as Rule Set > Rule Groups > Rules.

A Rule Set contains Rule Groups. Each Rule Group contains Rules, such as 'is the count less than 5'. And each Rule Group also has it's own Response (ie, it's own URL destination).

In addition, the whole Rule Set has it's own Response. This is the 'Default' Response to return if no Rule Groups are matched.

On a request, ixkio will run down through each Rule Group in order looking for a positive match.

If the Rule Group is matched (for example, the count is less than 5), it will return that Rule Group Response.

If it doesn't it will move to the next Rule Group and check that one.

If no Rule Group is matched, then it will return the Rule Set Default Response.

Rule Set

  • The Rule Set displays all the Rule Groups created by you.

  • You are allowed up to 3 Rule Groups in a Rule Set.

  • Each Rule Set has a Default URL or Default API Response. If no Rule Group is matched (or no Rule Group is created), then the response will be either the Default URL (in the case of Redirect Mode) or the Default API Response (in the case of an API Mode).

  • You must have a Rule Set and set a Default Response.

Rule Group

  • Rule Groups are optional. You can just use a Rule Set Default Response.

  • Each Rule Group can have up to 3 Rules.

  • Each Rule Group has it's own URL or API Response. This response is activated when the all the Rules of a Rule Group are matched.

  • Rule Groups are processed in order. The top Rule Group gets checked first. If the Rules do not match, the next Rule Group is checked. If no Rule Group is matched, the Rule Set Default URL/API Response is used.

  • It is possible to reorder, delete, change and add to your Rule Groups at any time.


The selection of available Rules will vary depending on your plan, configuration and other factors. The most common are :

  • Scan Count

  • QR/NFC

  • Tag Authentication

Each Rule has a 'Criteria' and a 'Target'

  • A Criteria allows you to choose how you want to match.

  • The Target (if shown) will be what the Criteria will match against.

For example, Scan Count could have a Criteria of 'More Than' and the Target could be 5. The Rule would therefore match if the Scan Count reached more than 5 scans.

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