Ixkio Mobile Apps

The ixkio mobile app is available for Android and iPhone.

Access to the mobile app is only available with a user account. On Flex accounts, this is always the master user. On Flex Pro and Flex Alpha, you can create additional app only users with specific permissions.

This full featured app provides four core features :


You can encode NFC tags with Tag Codes created within the ixkio console. The encoding system is designed for large scale deployment and can handle multiple users encoding Tag Codes from different Batches at the same time.

The ixkio mobile app can encode both standard tags such as NTAG213 or iCODE SLIX, and also the NTAG424 authentication NFC tags.

Additionally, the app can encode using Custom Domains in Redirect Mode or customer based URL in API response mode.

The Android version allows for 'continuous encode' for even faster encoding and tag deployment.


The ixkio app allows for fast assignment of NFC tags for both small scale and large scale deployments.

Features include multiple users, continuous assignment (Android) and 'switch', which allows the dynamic change of assignment batch using a built-in QR code scanner.


The check feature allows app users to check the status of the NFC tag including it's current Batch, Tag Group, Tag Name and - if using authentication tags - an authentication check.


Locus is a powerful and flexible system which allows the update of Tag data from the app. If enabled within the Console, a tag scan will then allow a change of data including both Core and Extended data fields.

Locus also provides the ability to associate an NFC tag with QR code data using the built in scanner.

Last updated