Core Data


Core Data is the most common information stored for each Tag Code. Three Core Data fields are always available and are created empty with each Tag Code. They can be left blank without data but the fields are always there and cannot be removed.

Core Data fields can be set either through the Console or in some cases via Locus. The data fields are then included in stats and encoding downloads for ease of identification and can also be displayed dynamically using Dynamic Response.

Tag Name

The Tag Name is typically used to identify Tag Codes.

For example, it might be a location identifier such as 'Main Lobby'. In some configurations you may choose to use the Tag Name field as a general identifier - such as your own Serial Number or Product Code.

Once set, the Tag Name is used to help identify the the Tag Code throughout the system and for stats downloads. You can search for the Tag Name and it's available for view throughout all Response Modes.

In many cases, it can be more useful to use the CUID as an identifier (such as your own Serial Number) rather than the Tag Name. This is because the CUID can also be used to make the request to ixkio.

The actual name 'Tag Name' can also be changed. For example, instead of 'Tag Name' you might prefer to refer to that Data Field as 'Serial Number'. In which case, references to the Core Data field initially known as 'Tag Name' will then be made with 'Serial Number'.

This change can be made by navigating to the Folder level and then Folder Function Panel > Data Tab.

The change will then affect how the 'previously known as' Tag Name Core Data field is presented in all cases under that Folder.

Changing the Tag Name data

Tag Name data can be added and modified via Tag Data Panel > Core Tab on the Tag Code screen.

Once set, the Tag Name is then generally used throughout the interface instead of the Tag Code (XUID) for ease of reference.


This is reserved for the use of the UID (unique ID) of the NFC chip associated with that Tag Code.

While this data can be added manually via the Tag Data Panel > Core Tab on the Tag Code screen, the UID data is typically added via an Association upload.

What is an NFC Tag UID ?

Each NFC tag has a unique 7 Byte (14 character) ID which is called the tag's UID.

This UID is not stored in the chip user memory but in the system memory and is locked and cannot be changed (on genuine NFC chips).

In many cases, this UID can be used to identify the tag. However, the UID is only accessible with the use of an app on the phone and cannot normally be accessed with 'frictionless' tag scanning (where no app is used).

The UID should be stored in ixkio in uppercase with no spaces or delimiters. For example : 04AABBCC112233

Under normal use cases, the UID would be added into the ixkio system during the encoding process carried out by us. However, it's not standard procedure and needs to be specifically requested.

Custom UID (CUID)

This is an additional Core Data field available for users typically wanting to add their own Tag Code identifiers - for example a unique Serial Number.

This can be set via the Core tab of the Tag Data panel on each Tag Code screen. Or more typically, the CUID is set from a Association upload.

The CUID should be alphanumeric only with no spaces. Maximum length of 24 characters.

The CUID must be unique throughout your Account.

Normally, the Tag Code is the reference when making a request to the ixkio platform. For example, for tags encoded directly to the ixkio platform, the link would contain only the XUID such as :

However, it is also possible to use the CUID instead. In these instances, the customer AID (account ID) must also be included as your CUID may not be unique within the whole ixkio platform.

So, if your AID is 1E5241 and you have set your CUID to be a54857then the encoded link to the ixkio platform would be :

Association Uploads

In most cases it's not logical to enter UID or CUID data for a set of Tag Codes one by one through the Console.

A faster way is to use Tag Association by uploading a CSV file of your data directly into the ixkio platform.

Last updated