Active Folders

Organisation Folders > Active Folders > Tag Groups > Batches > Tag Codes


An Active Folder is required. You can have up to 10 Active Folders on the Flex Plan and 100 Active Folders on the Flex Pro Plan. Active Folders have important settings but are also used to manage structures.

Important Active Folder settings :

Creating Active Folders

Navigate to the Main Menu > Folders > View Folder Tree.

In the Add Root Folder panel, enter the Folder name and choose the Folder Type using the drop down list. Then click Add Folder. Alternatively, you can right click on an Org Folder and click 'Add Active Folder'. This will place the new Active Folder within your Org Folder.

To rename an Active Folder, right click on the Folder and click 'Rename', enter the text and press enter. You can also rename an Active Folder from the Active Folder screen.

After an Active Folder has been created, you can add the Active Folder settings.

Moving Active Folders

To move an Active Folder, navigate to the Main Menu > Folders > View Folder Tree. From here you can drag and drop your Active Folder to an Org Folder. Active Folders cannot exist inside other Active Folders.

It's possible to have multiple Active Folders within an Org Folder

Deleting Active Folders

To delete an Active Folder, navigate to the Main Menu > Folders > View Folder Tree. Right click on the desired Folder and click 'Delete'.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the Main Menu > Folders > List Active Folders. Then click on the Active Folder you wish to delete. In the Folder Detail panel, click the Settings tab, select the Folder Status drop down list and select Delete, then Update.


Once an Active Folder has been deleted, it cannot be recovered, including all of its contents (Tag Groups, Batches and Tag Codes).

Last updated

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