Tag Code Settings

Organisation Folders > Active Folders > Tag Groups > Batches > Tag Codes

Generic Tag Code Settings

Tag Status

Tag Detail Panel > Settings Tab

Modifies the Status of the Tag Code. Options are :

Active : Normal function.

Inactive : Tag Code is disabled. For both Redirect and Direct Response Mode, any request for Response (ie, a tag scan directing to ixkio), will show a blank page. No message is provided. For API Response Mode, a 'tag_inactive' error will be returned.

Delete : Will delete the Tag Code. A prompt will be given to confirm. This action cannot be reversed.

If you want to change the Status of a selection of different Tag Codes within a Batch, you can use Associate Data.

Tag Data (Core)

Tag Data Panel > Core Tab

The Core Data for a Tag Code can be edited directly here. The Core Data include the Tag Name, the chip UID and your CUID (customer unique ID). All of these are optional.

The Tag Name does not have to be unique across your account which allows you to have the same Tag Name in multiple Batches, Tag Groups or Folders.

The UID and CUID need to be unique across your entire account. The console will prevent you from entering the duplicate UID or CUID entries.

Tag Data (Extended)

Tag Data Panel > Extended Tab

If you have created any Extended Data fields, then data for them can be entered directly for each Tag Code. If default data for an Extended Data field is entered at the Tag Group level, it will display here with an 'inherited' notice.

If you add Extended Data at a Tag Code level, it will overrule the default Tag Group level Extended Data. However, if you then delete the data at the Tag Code level, the Tag Code will then automatically inherit the default Tag Group level data again.

Redirect & API Tag Code Settings

Both the Redirect and API Response Mode allow Tag Code Rules.

Tag Code Function Panel > Ruleset Tab

Rules control how ixkio responds to a request. A Rule is required but can be as simple as a default Response such as a destination URL.


Any Rules created at the Tag Group level will automatically be inherited at the Tag Code level.

However, you can also create Rules at the Tag Code level which will overwrite any default Tag Group Rules.

Once a Tag Code Ruleset has been created, click on the 'Revert' button which will remove any Tag Code level rules and the Tag Code will default back to the Tag Group Rules.

Authentication Tag Code Settings

If you have ordered your Authentication NFC tags from our sister NFC Tag company Seritag, then we will have uploaded the keys already into your Tag Codes and you will be ready to use.

If you are using your own tags then contact us to enable key uploading as it's not available by default. Once enabled, you can upload keys at the Batch level for any Tag Codes under that Batch. Note that there can be a 1-2 hour delay between uploading keys and becoming active.

You can see whether the keys are loaded from the Tag Code screen, then Tag Detail Panel > Info Tab. Under the setting 'Tag Type' which should say 'Authentication' (not 'Standard') there will be either:

(keys not loaded) - which indicates that the keys have not been loaded yet.

(keys loaded) - which means the keys are loaded and the Tag Codes are ready for use.

NFT Settings

Flex Alpha

On Flex Alpha, you can also set NFT data against a Tag Code. You need to have enabled NFT at the Tag Group level (Tag Group Screen > Tag Group Detail Panel > Settings Tab).

Navigate to Tag Code Screen > Tag Data Panel > NFT Tab and set the Chain (Polygon Main, Polygon Test, Etherium Main, Etherium Test), Contract and Token. These need to start 0x.

Entering the Owner is optional.

NFT settings can also be set via Management API and Associate file upload.

Last updated

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