Tag Groups

Organisation Folders > Active Folders > Tag Groups > Batches > Tag Codes


The Tag Group level is designed a broad management level for tags that will have a similar response. In many cases, projects can be managed simply from Tag Groups.

Important Tag Group settings :

Creating Tag Groups

You create Tag Groups at the Active Folder level.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Active Folder page to the Tag Groups panel. Click the Add New Tag Group button. This will direct you to the Add New Tag Group screen where you can enter the name of your new Tag Group.

Tag Group names can only have a character restriction so they can be used within Dynamic Response.

You cannot move Tag Groups between Active Folders.

Tag Type

Flex Pro Flex Alpha

If you are on the Flex Pro or Alpha plans, then you can also select the Tag Type of your Tag Group. This cannot be changed after the Tag Group has been created. If you are using authentication grade NFC tags (NTAG424 for example), then you must select Authentication. If you are using standard NFC tags (NTAG213 for example), then you should select Standard.

This setting changes the way that data is handled and it's important to select the right Tag Type.

Deleting Tag Groups

Tag Groups need to be empty of all Tag Codes and Batches before they can be deleted.

Navigate to the Tag Group you want to delete, then Folder Detail Panel > Settings Tab. Select Delete from the Folder Status dropdown menu. Then Update. You will be prompted to confirm you are sure and then the Tag Group will be deleted.

Deleting a Tag Group is permanent. It cannot be reversed. Proceed with caution !

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