Tag Group Settings

Organisation Folders > Active Folders > Tag Groups > Batches > Tag Codes


Tag Group settings will be dependent on the selected Response Mode and other Active Folder settings.

Generic Tag Group Settings

These are settings available across more than one of the Response Modes.

Tag Group Status

Tag Group Detail Panel > Settings Tab

Changes the Status of the Tag Group and the effective status of the Tag Codes underneath. Options are :

Active : Tag Codes under the Tag Group are Active.

Inactive : Tag Code response is disabled. For both Redirect and Direct Response Mode, any request for Response (ie, a tag scan directing to ixkio), will show a blank page. No message is provided. For API Response Mode, a 'tg_inactive' error will be returned.

Delete : Will delete the Tag Group. All Batches need to have been deleted to delete a Tag Group.

Chip Count Enabled (was Tag Count)

Tag Group Detail Panel > Settings Tab

This will enable the display of the Chip Count within the interface. Read the notes on the difference between between Chip Count and Scan Count.

Tag Group Name

Tag Group Data Panel > Core Tab

This changes the interface name for the Tag Group. This name can also be included in the Response using Subtags.

Extended Data Defaults

Tag Group Data Panel > Extended Tab

Allows the setting of default data for any Extended Data fields you have created (at the Active Folder level). Any data entered here will automatically be inherited by all Tag Codes within this Tag Group unless specifically set at the Tag Code level.

Extended Data defaults can be included in the Response either using Subtags or Data Merge. To include this data in a Data Merge response, you also need to allow this on the Active Folder > Folder Function Panel > Response Tab.

Redirect & API Tag Group Settings

Both the Redirect and API Response Mode allow Tag Group Rules.

Tag Group Function Panel > Ruleset Tab

Rules control how ixkio responds to a request. A Rule is required but can be as simple as a default Response such as a destination URL.


Rules created at the Tag Group level are automatically inherited by all Tag Codes within that Tag Group. However, Rules can also be set for each Tag Code and will replace these Tag Group Rules. This allows for a flexible and specific control over large Batches of Tag Codes but also a granular level if required.

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