Using Direct Response

Direct Response Mode has now been discontinued. Information here is for legacy users only. Our CodeLink system, when combined with Redirect Mode, empowers the dynamic display of tag data on pre-existing website landing pages, including platforms like Shopify, Squarespace, Wix, Webflow, WordPress, and others, offering a versatile and robust solution.

Direct Response is designed for tag identification or authentication. It's a powerful and flexible system and can be used alongside all the standard ixkio features such as Locus and Dynamic Response.

The layout and function of the Direct Response pages are suited for companies looking for supply chain authentication or internal product identification. It's not intended as a marketing or 'brand' system.

Setting up Direct Response Mode

These steps are designed to get you started with a simple configuration using standard (not authentication) NFC tags.

Adding a Tag Code

Create a new Active Folder, then under Folder Detail Panel > Settings Tab, select the 'Direct Response' Response Mode and click 'Update'.

Then, add a Tag Group (click 'Add Tag Group' from the 'Tag Groups Panel'). This will automatically create a Batch. Click on the 'Batch 1' link to view the Batch Screen.

From the Batch Function Panel > Add change the quantity to 1 and click on 'Add Tags' to add a Tag Code for testing. This will have created 1 new Tag Code and the full management structure.

We would recommend you test the set up on an NFC tag. From the Batch Screen, click on the Tag Code XUID link on the Tags Panel to get the Tag Code screen for that XUID. From here you can get the encoding URL by clicking the link icon from the Tag Detail Panel > Info Tab.

Testing a scan

Before you make any changes to the system, we suggest doing a simple tag scan to check the basic function. If you have encoded the link as described above onto a tag, then scan the tag with your mobile.

You should see a landing page with a 'Tag Identified' message.

The Direct Response page has a built-in system to prevent the Response page being displayed on a browser refresh. This is to prevent out of date data accidently being viewed.

To test your tags and the Direct Response page - don't refresh the browser - scan your test NFC tag again.

Changing the Direct Response page

The settings to control what information gets displayed on the Direct Response page are located at the Active Folder Level.

Navigate up to the Folder Level (for example, click on the folder icon on the breadcrumb links).

The settings are located within the Folder Function Panel as follows :

Response Tab

The Response Tab allows you to change whether the Tag Name (and/or any Extended Data fields) are displayed on the Response Page. The default option is not to show the field on the Response Page (selected "-"). The other options are :

  • Direct Response : Show on the Direct Response page

  • Direct Response (Highlight) : Show larger on the Direct Response page

  • Direct Response (No Title) : Show the data but not the name of the field

  • Direct Response (No Title, Highlight) : Show the data larger, but not the name of the field

Display Tab

These settings allow you to further change the look of the Direct Response page :


Main Title

Allows you to add a static title to the Direct Response page.

Main Title Size

Changes the size of the static title.

Sub Text

Allows you to add a short description under the title for some additional information.

Show Your Logo

Allows you to show/hide your uploaded logo.

Show Status Logo

Will display the 'tick' identification (in blue) or authentication (in green) icon.

Show Status Text

Will add the status (Tag Identified, etc) under the Status Logo. This text can be modified under the Status Tab.

More Info Text

Text for a link button displayed at the bottom of the Direct Response page. If this field is empty, no button will be displayed.

More Info Link

The web link (enter full https://) for the link button.

The following subtags can currently be used in the text options (including the More Info link itself) : XUID, CUID, UID, Scan Count, Chip Count and Tag Group Name.

Status Tab

The status tab allows changes to the Response messages displayed on the scans. In most cases, you can leave these as they are.

'Tag Authenticated' is only applicable when using authentication NFC tags. For standard NFC tags, only the 'Tag Identified' is used.

Image Tab

You can display your own brand or company logo on the Response page. Upload your JPG or PNG file here. The image will be automatically resized to fit.

Note that the Direct Response system does not currently allow for display of additional product or item images at a Batch or Tag Code level. This image - designed to display your logo - is the only image that can be displayed on the Direct Response page.

Adding Extended Data to the Direct Response page

For many Direct Response users, additional data is added to Tag Codes to identify the items. For example, serial numbers, colours, manufacture dates and so on. For some users, it might be best to use the 'Tag Name' or CUID Core Data fields for these. However, it is also possible to add your own Extended Data fields.

As an example, navigate to the Active Folder level and then Folder Function Panel > Data Tab. Add a name for your additional data field into the empty 'Data Name' box and click 'Add'. For example, we could add 'Colour'.

Then navigate to the Folder Function Panel > Response Tab and change the setting for the Data Name 'Colour' (or whatever you just added) to 'Direct Response'. This will now include your Colour data field on the Direct Response page.

The actual data for this field can be set at the Tag Group level (for all Tag Codes under that Tag Group) and/or set for each Tag Code. For this example, we will navigate to the Tag Group level, then Tag Group Data Panel > Extended Tab, enter some data under the 'Colour' field - for example 'Blue' - and then click 'Update'.

A scan of your test NFC tag (created above) will now show your Colour Extended Data field.

Using Authentication NFC Tags

Authentication NFC tags need to be encoded by Seritag (ixkio's sister company) to be used on the ixkio platform. Seritag will encode the tags for your project and upload the encryption keys directly to the platform ready for use.

We strongly advise discussing your requirements with us before proceeding but the general process is :

  1. Contact us to discuss or inform us of required NFC tag type

  2. Create your Active Folder, Authentication Tag Group and Batch

  3. Add the required number of Tag Codes into your Batch

  4. Contact us with details of where you have created your Tag Codes

  5. We encode your tags for the platform and upload the encryption keys

We strongly advise creating a new Batch for each set of authentication tags, even if it's simply a repeat order.

Last updated

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